Enable the full potential of #Trimble #Penmap for Android with the iFeature-System. Easy to use and flexible GIS geometry and attribute collection. Watch our new videos on our Penmap YouTube Channel! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM8WGDC5IZGYbHtgsJi28F-T2C3o9X2Z1 ...
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The new “Multi iFeature” function in Penmap for Windows allows you to capture multiple features with a single measurement! Record points, lines, attributes in one go. Find a short description in the attachment and watch our clip on YouTube #PenmapForWindows #iFeature #MultiiFeature...
We got some request how to use a #penmap for Windows template with Penmap for Android. This support bulletin will explain how to share Penmap templates between the Penmap product family field software. #PenmapForAndroid #PenmapForWindows #Template #iFeature #SupportBulletin
The iFeature system provides a fast way to organize and access your data collection features. In version 11, the templates are completely stored in the pdt-file. Find in the attached document: How is the template/iFeature stored New Features - Update project & Save...