Novapoint Landscape Library

Draw Grid 

04-07-2021 14:56

This function draws a grid based on parameters for the length and width of the grid.

MOUS_ICO Menu: Landscape > Construct Lines and Polygons > Draw Grid
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Construct Lines and Polygons:  Draw Grid
Cell length <3.00> :

KEYB_ICO Type in length in meters and press enter

Cell width <1.50> :

KEYB_ICOType in width in meters and press enter

Pick lower left corner [Continue/Undo]

MOUS_ICO Pick a point in the drawing (you can also use snap functions)

Pick lower right corner [Continue/Undo]

MOUS_ICO Pick a point in the drawing (you can also use snap functions)

Pick upper right corner [Continue/Undo]

MOUS_ICO Pick a point in the drawing (you can also use snap functions)

Draw ? Yes/<No> :

KEYB_ICO Make your selection.

The function will draw a preview of the grid and you need to type Yes in order to draw the grid as lines in the drawing.

Tip: This function is very useful in drawing parking spaced for vehicles.

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