Trimble Business Center

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Preliminary Road Design for Budget Numbers 

07-17-2019 10:46

Preliminary Road Design and Takeoff


I recently had a call from a client that has been asked by a developer to provide preliminary dirt numbers. The number they are interested in is the Cut/Fill and price to put in 2 roads. The client has been task with taking the initial road CL, and creating a 24’ wide road with channels and tie-ins. I have created a series of videos showing how we accomplished this in TBC. 


Video 1- How to create an alignment from the line-work given by the developer

Perlim Road v1.mp4 - Google Drive 


Video 2 - How to start building the roadways

PERLIM ROAD V2.mp4 - Google Drive 


Video 3- How to create the side slopes, channels, tie the roads together, and calculate the dirt Cut/fill

PERLIM ROAD V3.mp4 - Google Drive 



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