Trimble Business Center

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TBC 2024.01 Patch Notes 

08-15-2024 09:20

This version of TBC includes miscellaneous bug fixes and minor enhancements for TBC v2024.00.

Important Note! This version of Trimble Business Center is available to users whose current warranty expiration date (perpetual license users) or subscription expiry date (subscription license users) is May 1, 2024 or later. If your warranty or subscription expires prior to this date and you proceed with the installation, licensed features will not be available. You can contact your distributor to purchase a warranty extension or renew your subscription. In the TBC ribbon, select Support > License Manager to verify your warranty or subscription expiration date.

Additional notes:

  • Penmap attribute support - TBC v2024.00 and later supports two new attribute types designed to support Penmap workflows:
    • List-ValDesc - This attribute type allows you to export, for example, an associated attribute number when an attribute name is selected. This attribute type can be added currently in TBC only. Feature Definition Manager does not support adding this attribute type, but it does support changing it.
    • Relationship - This attribute type allows you to establish relationships between features (for example, a parent-child relationship). Relationship attributes come primarily from Penmap project templates.
  • End of SitePulse file support - To prevent future security vulnerabilities, TBC no longer reads measured data imported as native .epj files from Trimble SitePulse. EPJ file support is preserved in earlier versions of TBC; if you want to open such files, use TBC v5.21 or earlier.
  • Point cloud export bug fix - TBC was not exporting .las and .laz files when Japanese characters were used in the filename.
  • Mobile Mapping updates:
    • Center and zoom on the selected run - The feature, selected from the contextual menu, centers and zooms in the active view (Plan View or 3D View) on the selected run.
    • Mission Registration - Recomputing the mission registration is faster after a target change.
  •  Mobile Mapping bug fixes:
    • TBC did not keep in memory the last used Coordinate System when running a new batch project.
    • TBC crashed when generating MX9 scans without MTA in a folder with special characters.
    • TBC did not correctly recover the scans in case of a crash during the MTA processing, or when runs were missing in the project.
  •  Updated Coordinate System Database - The newest Coordinate System Database v110 is included with this version of TBC. It includes the following enhancements:
    • Upgraded datums for Ecuador, Colombia and Chile with new VEMOS 2022
    • Added support for new realization of WGS84 (G2296)
    • Added support for Dubai Local TM Zone
    • Added Geoid Model for South Tyrol
    • Updated DB zones and import of VA zones in Germany
    • Fixed RTX in Croatia using ETRS89 as global reference datum
    • Updated displacement model for Japan JGD2011 to 2024 version
    • Updated GSI Geoid 2011 for Japan to latest version 2.2
    • Fixed RTX in Portugal and cleaned up predefined systems
    • Added new extraction of EGM2008 for Zambia
    • Added Turkish Geoid Model-2020 and used it as default with Turkish zones

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TBC 2024.01 Patch Notes.pdf   265 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 08-15-2024


09-22-2024 22:34

The same here. It took almost a hole day to get the new version downloaded and installed. Very annoying.
Also that's why a full list of bugfixes is necessary. No matter how long it is.
At least i could make a search in it and be sure that the problems are solved before I waste a hole day trying. 

09-21-2024 21:49

Which version are we talking here about? Which version do the release notes refer to?

In 2024.00 under "check for updates" it offered me a patch 1, about 100 MB. What is that one doing and how is it different to the 2024.01 full release I just found out about yesterday. I was under the impression that patch 1 and 2024.01 are the same. But they obviously aren't. The version numbers in the brackets in the about window are all different.

2024.00 - 2024.0.8888.19364

2024.00 - patch 1 - 2024.0.8949.15773

           - the release notes here Trimble Business Center - Trimble Inc. are called "TBC 2024.01 patch notes"??? and not "Release Notes" as usual

2024.01 ??? - 2024.1.8991.38047

           - in the 2024.00 patch 1 update checker this one is called 2024.1 ??? without the zero

           - the file name is "" with the extra zero

           - could you decide on a proper naming convention

Customer information, version numbering, file naming, release notes are absolute inadequate, confusing and meanwhile extremely irritating.

Since TBC is so bug infested and the customer request list is km long, I need to know in detail what was supposedly fixed or finally added that it's worthwhile spending 30-60 min on the phone with our IT department to backup the previous one, install the new version and reset the macro folder permissions which lock me out with every install since this nonsense was put in place with V5.90.

Downloading 2024.01 full release was a pain in the butt. Mediocre download speeds ranging from 100 kB to max 3 MB/s. Half a dozen interruptions where the download was unable to resume and started from scratch. Took several hours to finally get a full download. Later a 40 GB Playstation game did install in less than 45 min.

09-15-2024 22:46

Thank You.

09-10-2024 11:45

Hello @Carsten Merkel,

I tracked this issue and can confirm that it was fixed in the patch. You should upgrade. Sorry for the confusion, but there are too many bug fixes in each release to list them in the notes.


09-10-2024 02:11

Hallo David Kosakowski

Is this the complete list of bugfixes in this patch?
Because I won't bother installing this patch, if it still don't work.

With kind regards

Carsten Merkel

09-03-2024 06:17

What about the bug, processing feature codes?
"Case 05719366 -TBC error"

best regards 
Carsten Merkel

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