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 not all Alignments available when creating job site design as "Road Surface"

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Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider posted 02-23-2021 19:46
Weird quirk while creating a job site design as "Road Surface". (old PRO format)
When using the FSL or Subgrade Surface I can choose from all Alignments, but when using the Intermediate Layer between FSL and Subgrade I can only use the Alignment that was used for the corridor. Anybody seen that before?

Quan Mueller's profile image
Quan Mueller Best Answer
Perhaps the Intermediate surface is "alignment-based"?  If the surface is "alignment-based", the software forces you to pick the alignment the surface is based upon.  You can check for this in Properties of the surface, and you can see the alignment that the surface is based upon.
Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider
Hi Quan,
thanks for the tip. That solves it, but it also raises question marks. Since most of my surfaces are corridor surfaces they are Alignment-based and I haven't seen that issue before.
And the Subgrade surface from above is also Alignment-based but offers all Alignments to choose.

Quan Mueller's profile image
Quan Mueller

From the presence of the Alignment and 3D linework radio buttons, it looks like neither design is assigned... only certain controllers support having multiple alignments from a "road surface" model type.

Hah, I see that linework is now spelled "line-work".  So maybe things have changed...

Ah, wait - I'm remembering it's more nuanced - the question is whether the calculation actually ended up using the alignment - or something like that.  This is only possible if the surface is alignment-based w/ an alignment assigned, but even then I think there are cases where it won't apply.

Sorry I don't remember past this point - I'm sure @Gary Lantaff or @Alan Sharp would know :)

Alan Sharp's profile image
Alan Sharp
The original intent for SCS900 here was the following

1) When you have a subdivisoon where you may have a TIN model for the whole site and multiple roads each defined with their own alignment you can pick Surface plus multiple alignments and then in the field you can select alignment to give stationing and surface to give elevations. The down side of this is that the TIN doesnt have the corridir nodes so you can get Station, Offset and Elevation, but cannot select any strings or see elements between the strings. This was for a site supervisor that is not staking but wants to be able to see Plan and Sections and also see Station, offset elevation readouts.

2) A real Road project where you want to do staking and offset / slope staking from the model. In this case the idea was that each road would be a design and would have a Surface and alignment, the surface ideally would be made from Strings or a Corridor Model and would give you all of the Nodes so you can stake any string and any offset or any slope or batter.

As you say the Alignment Based Surface ties a Surface to an Alignment - however a PRO file does not know the meaning of an Alignment Based Surface so that is actually lost in conversion to a PRO file, so really should not restrict anything. Same applies to densification - the controls for that are in TBC but the PRO doesnt understand those either so all you get in the PRO is the Alignment and the surface with or without the node strings - so in reality the Alignment Based Surface should not make a difference, however because the surface is tied to the alignment in TBC it would seem that at least that alignment needs to be selected in the export, but there is no reason why there should be a restriction on other alignments being selected (but evidently there is something there restricting you - that would likely be a defect that should be looked at.

Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider
Hi @Alan Sharp
​since you seem to have insight what SCS900/Siteworks are doing with a .PRO file in the background you might be able to answer why sometimes alignments don't work on the field device.
They don't show the fishbone/triangles and the cross sections, chainages don't work.
See also this thread.
TBC - Road surface with multiple Alignments selected. Are there any specific limitations in terms of how wide the cross sections can/should be?
On project change in SCS900/Siteworks the Alignment can be tapped, but doesn't show the fishbones.

Same exact project/surface but different alignment does work.

​Not working
