Apart from your RAM being woefully inadequate, you seem to indicate you are processing or loading from a server. This is a big no. You should have the TBC project on your local machine as well as any files, ...
Thank you UAS USGS for the information. I wasted most of the Sunday trying to install TBC which I was told will fix my issue of missing dependencies. Turns out I couldn't install TBC because Coordinate ...
@Karsten Maier I am posting this a second time so sorry if a duplication. My first attempt at replying disappeared? I think you need to install the Trimble Office Configuration Utility along with ...
@Karsten Maier I believe this error is because you need to also install the "core" Trimble stuff for Convert to RINEX to run. I believe I just verified the problem will be resolved if you install the Trimble ...
Not OP but I get the following message: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not ...