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Customize The Ribbon

  • 1.  Customize The Ribbon

    Posted 08-04-2020 01:01

    When a new version of TBC is released I always like to customize my ribbon with a new tab of my most frequently used commands.  It would be great if you could export just this tab and import it into the latest versions ribbon.  I normally export the whole ribbon and import that again, but that way if there are any new commands in the new versions ribbon you do not get to see them.   Does anyone know if this is possible or do you just have to manually set up a new tab again?

  • 2.  Re: Customize The Ribbon

    Posted 08-04-2020 06:38


    This is unfortunately not possible today - The Menu Ribbons, the Toolbars and the Shortcuts are all stored in the menu .bin file, and you can only Export All or Import All today. Also when you Export a Menu from v5.30 and then import it into v5.31 for example, any icons that have been added for new commands are not available to you because they only exist in 5.31 generated menus - so while you can pick commands and add them to a menu they will not have any icons.


    We have this on our list of things to try to resolve using our Menu Manager command as a basis for solving this problem - I have the same issues each release because it takes me 10+ hours to rebuild my menu system each time we do a release which is a painful waste of my time - so I hear you.



  • 3.  Re: Customize The Ribbon

    Posted 08-05-2020 21:18

    I heard the dev team had fixed the issue where new commands would not appear in Customize Ribbon if you imported an old ribbon file.



    But if the icons are missing from the new commands, I would consider that Bug still broken... how disappointing.

  • 4.  Re: Customize The Ribbon

    Posted 08-05-2020 21:42

    Hi Fred,


    This issue (of having to redo your customizations) comes up at every Power Users Group and in random conversation with Alan whenever a new TBC version releases.


    As an encouragement, your request ("I want to import a tab from a previous TBC ribbon") is already on our near-term TML roadmap.  UI customization ease-of-use is our first focus for TMLs.


    So hopefully between Revenant and Rockpile, you'll have to find something new you always "like to do" when a new release comes along...




    Revenant Solutions - Independent TML Development - Build. Share. Grow.