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Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

  • 1.  Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-09-2020 11:33

    I am running into a problem or bug when exporting designs.


    About half of the time when I select Machine Job Site Design exporter from the Export menu under construction TBCfreezes completely. I am left with no option except to go into task manager and force close the program. It is not file dependent as the same file will not do it all the time and it doesn't do it on every file. It tends to do it more if I export a .dxf or .ttm first before exporting to machine. Once i force stop the program and open it back up and delete the lock file it always lets me export then.


    Has anyone else experienced these issues? It has only happened since the latest update. I am running the latest version of TBC. I have made sure all my updates are current on my computer along with drivers. It only happens with Machine Jobsite Design exporter and no other exporters.


    Any and all help would be appreciated. 



  • 2.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-11-2020 09:14

    I've had this problem the last couple of versions. I have learned to save before even opening the exporter because I have lost hours of work more than once when TBC froze up. If there's a fix or workaround I'd like to know. 

  • 3.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-14-2020 01:15

    I have heard this before and have logged it in as a defect. Short term fix is to use the Field Data Menu workflows rather than the Export Workflows that you are using. I use that approach all the time and have never experienced a problem.



  • 4.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-17-2020 10:00

    Can you export GCS files using the field data menu? I use it for Earthworks exports but have never tried for GCS.

  • 5.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-17-2020 18:55

    Thanks Alan,


    Sorry for delayed response. I am using workarounds for now! appreciate all the help!



  • 6.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-19-2020 10:19


    Yes you can use it to export data for GCS900 - be aware though that this workflow links the project data to the output data and as such links the machine to a single project - all the other project data on the machine (from other projects) will be removed as soon as you assign the machine to a project in TBC - if the machine is only working one project at a time then no problem but if it is continually moving between projects this is not an ideal workflow



  • 7.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-25-2020 10:51

    Wanted to add my experience to this thread.


    I have found this bug only occurs for me when using TBC fullscreen on a 4k display. I can make this happen in a brand new project from default template with no data in it. When I export a machine job site design every single time I enable MS990 compatibility, I can no longer use or click on TBC. I have to close the program which ends up locking my project files. Task manager does not identify TBC as not responding nor does ALT-TAB do anything.


    This happens with my laptop monitor(4K 16:9) as well as a desktop monitor(4K 22:9). I can work around it by taking TBC off of full-screen but occasionally I fail to remember and it is unfortunate to have to move my project files just to be able to open my project again.

  • 8.  Re: Machine Job Site Design Exporter BUG

    Posted 02-28-2020 12:55

    I think we have identified the issue and a fix will be included in next release.