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 Local and WGS84 coordinates and Site calibration

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William maestre larrad's profile image
William maestre larrad posted 11-29-2021 14:13

Good evening,
I need to do a local grid for one of our projects. I know the local coordinates for six points and their WGS84 equivalent. Initially, I thought to do Site Calibration but after read some TBC tutorials I understand that the points have to be surveyed with GNSS. To have just the WGS84 coordinates is not enough.
I can’t survey the points again. They have been destroyed.
Is there a way to create the local grid based in the available info? Using TBC, if possible.

Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider Best Answer
No, they don't need be brought in as GPS survey.
Either import them from a CSV file, or manually create a point via CAD->Create Point and change the coordinate type to "Global". Best is you add a prefix to the GPS point.
The grid point in example is "1" then call the GPS point "1-GPS".

There seems to be some kind of bug in the point selector, if the "GPS"-Point has also got local coordinates the selection fails, claiming the point has no global coordinates.