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How to use line control codes in the field?

  • 1.  How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 01-29-2020 03:32

    I have made a feature library that includes line control codes that I want to use in the field during a topo survey. I have made a beginning code that creates a new line sequence and also an ending code that closes the line to the first point of the sequence however I am not sure what code to use in between the beginning and end. When i tried this in the field, it would not connect my points together at all either.

    Any help is appreciated 



  • 2.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 01-31-2020 12:26

    For example, if my control code to Start a line is ST and I have another line code for sidewalk edges called SW your field coding would be like this. 


    Point 1 = SW ST (This would tell TBC to Start a Sidewalk line that will connect to the next SW code it sees in numerical order). 

    Point 2 through 7 = SW (TBC will connect these all as one line string)

    Point 8 = SW ST (this will tell TBC to end the last SW line at point 10 and Start a new one at Point 11)

    Point 9 through 10 = SW (TBC will connect these all as one line string)


    Simple Line Coding


    Curves work the same way.  If you had a control code to start a curve, lets use PC as an example.  Your sidewalk code when you reached the point of curvature (PC) would look like this, SW PC.  The next codes along the curve would just be SW.  This would tell TBC to start curving your line through the next SW shots in numerical order until you used a code to stop a curve.  We use PT (Point of Tangency) so our code to end a curve would be SW PT.  After TBC sees the PT code it goes back to stringing straight lines between the next SW (sidewalk) shots it sees.  


    Hope this gets you started!

  • 3.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-12-2020 07:34

    Thank you for your useful reply, and can I create a new code on the controller and then proceed to just add ST after each time I want to end and start a new line?

  • 4.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-12-2020 09:12

    You are welcome. Yes as long as ST was setup as the "Line control code" to

    start a new "joining sequence"in your fxl file.  It will also start a new

    line if your line code is stepped up a value.  For example if you go along

    bl st, bl, bl,bl and then bl1, bl1 it starts a new line.  That is easy to

    use in the "measure codes" screen on your controller where if you have bl

    programmed into one of the squares on your "measure codes" window and then

    with it highlighted to hit the + button and it will step it up one value.

    To program a code into a button or square tap and hold the square and then

    select the code you want assigned to that square. The find feature is handy

    as well. If you are doing a big topo and can't remember what the last

    number you used for your bl  (BreakLine) code you just highlight the square

    and hit find and it steps it up to the first unused number.  Also there is

    a window at the bottom of the "measure codes screen where you can create a

    code to use temporarily.  So if you have Bl programmed into one button and

    ST and End into other buttons or squares you hit the small button that says

    code, things turn yellow and you pick for example bl and then st and it

    creates in the window bl st.  Hit measure and that code is recorded as your

    feature code.  To get out of it you hit the code button and things change

    from yellow to normal and you can pick bl to continue your line joining

    sequence.  Hopefully I explained this fairly clearly.  it is unfortunate

    how there really are no help files that explain this process.  Take care

    and have fun.  Access is powerful stuff. Everytime I had to use a different

    system with a different employer I felt, "hobbled".


    On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 8:34 AM <

  • 5.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-12-2020 09:33

    I think I fully understand it now. I have just made a line control code for marking the edge of a stockpile, later to be used for volume reports, and I have "Stockpile ST" which starts a new line joining sequence. Once I have stored that point, I would then use another line control code, labelled only "stockpile". The current action I have that under is joining to a specified point name. Is this correct? Finally I have " Stockpile CL" to close the last point to my first one. IS this the correct process?

    Many thanks

  • 6.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-12-2020 17:28

    You got it.

  • 7.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 07-07-2020 23:55

    In order to do this, do I need to make a feature library using the Feature Definition Manager or do I go onto 'Measure Codes' and type in, for example SW ST to start the line and then ST to continue it like you say. Also how can I connect the first and last point together of a line for example if I was doing a box?

    Thank you for your help though.

  • 8.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 07-08-2020 07:18

    I don't think you need to use the "begin line" code in the field. If you use a code that is setup as a line, it'll automatically start drawing a line. That's how it's worked for me.  And to close the line, there's a "close" control code to use when you create your FXL file.


    Hard to tell what you are replying to, and asking about.

  • 9.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 07-09-2020 04:39

    For either in TBC or in the data collector,  one must have a library built.  The library act as instructions for the points to be able to connect.  Like the mailman not having house numbers on houses 

  • 10.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-05-2020 02:22


    In order for the feature code to work on your controller the .fxl file you created in the Feature Definition Manager  has to be in the system folder on your TSC controller as well.   Also when you create the job in Access that you will be working  in make sure that in the properties of job you select the feature library that you put into the system folder of your controller and want to use is selected.  .  If one has never been setup before the default is none. No fxl file in the system folder means no line coding is possible.   Make sure those things are setup and you'll be off and running. The feature library can be created on the controller as well and you can use whatever coding you want for line control codes to start, end, close etc lines. It took me a long time to figure this out but now it's hard to believe I spent many mindless hours manually connecting dots on the computer.  Time I would like to get back. We use ST to start a line. END to end a line and CL to close a line to the first point in the joining sequence.  Those are line control codes which control what happens to the line and ones we set up not the default ones which i can't remember right now.  The line code we us is BL for breakline. Very generic.  So...   BL ST, BL, BL, BL, BL, BL CL would draw a closed line. You don't have to use the ST if your new line has been stepped up a value which you can do in "measure codes" screen. If you have BL programmed into on of the code buttons highlighting it hitting the + sign changes it to BL1 then: BL1, BL1, BL1 BL1 BL1    will start a new line and continue.  Using ST and END control codes allow you to always use the same line code and break the line. Stepping up the value is a little faster and gives the next line a unique name.  Of course you will screw things up a time or too and you will see lines shooting across your topo where they shouldn't be and that is part of the learning process.  That can be fixed by changing the feature code of the point in question in the review job section on your controller.  Change the code and the linework on the controller changes accordingly instantly.  Hope this helps.

  • 11.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-05-2020 14:11


    Is there any way to set the code that TBC looks for between multiple codes on one line?  ie:  SW ST/BC1 ST/BC2 ST.... where the "/" is the designator between codes?



  • 12.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-05-2020 15:02

    I don't believe more than one line control code can be used on a line

    feature definition.  Best is to keep everything simple in the field and let

    the office guy fine tune it.  At least he doesn't have to play the "Connect

    the dots" game.  The format is : line feature definition, space, Line

    Control code. We defined BL as a "line feature definition" and ST and END

    as "Line control codes" starting and ending line joining sequence

    respectively.   Hence feature coding of BL ST, BL, BL, BL, BL END will draw

    a between the five points that have that feature coding.  I have attached

    our fxl file and  .MCD file and a job that I I did some linework in. Put

    the .Apex.fxl and Apex.MCD file in the system folder of your controller and

    the job file wherever you keep your jobs and play with it. The MCD file

    creates the menus in "Measure codes" routine of your TSC3.  It'll all make

    sense after awhile. An old colleague of mine said that if you bang your

    head against a wall hard enough and long enough....eventually you will pass

    out.  Have fun.


    On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 1:12 PM <>


    zip   2 KB 1 version
    zip   793 B 1 version

  • 13.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-06-2020 08:50

    If I can not place more than 1 line control code in the field per shot, the office guy is going to have to play connect the dots or I am going to have several shots at one location.  This will then create a nightmare (points nearly on top of other points) when we try and create a TIN using the points and 3d linework.  I believe that you just have to place a "space" between codes and it will work.  So if this does work, is there a way to tell TBC (more specifically Feature Definition Manager) that I want it to recognize a "/" as the code separator?

  • 14.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-06-2020 09:58

    You can use multiple control codes for one shot without issues.  Like you mentioned, if you don't do this you end up with lots of duplicate points, unclosed figures, and line that just don't meet up or sometimes cross. Below is an example of how the coding and linework would work using multiple codes.  You only need a space between codes so no need to assign a new separator. If you want to use multiple codes of the same item you can do that by by just adding a number after the code (no space).  In the example below I started 3 overhead wire lines using this method.


    Code List:

    UP (Utility Pole), OHW (Overhead Wire), BLDG (Building), SW (Sidewalk), CLN (Close Line), ST (Start Line) 


    Multiple Code Example

  • 15.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-12-2020 07:36

    Thank you very much for the instructions this has greatly helped me to understand it better.

  • 16.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-06-2020 12:38

    We use the feature code library to connect running codes.  We use a separate number for each linecode and we never have this issue.  This also allows us to multi-code shots.  We got away from using the traditional "ST" and "END" control codes.  There is a check box in Access that allows the user to use the "base code" of the code.  Make sure that is checked or it will look like spaghetti. 

  • 17.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-25-2020 13:25

    Hi David.  Thank you very much for the information.  I have a couple of follow-up questions in regards to the use of "base codes" as we are currently experiencing issues with adding numbers to our line codes to generate additional lines of the same code type.

    1. Where can I find the checkbox in Access?

    2. Is this a new feature in access (part of a newer version release)?

    3. Will this function maintain the attributes associated with the code?  (i.e following the example above, if I create OHW1, OHW2...etc, can I complete the attributes associated with OHW if they exist in the base code?)

  • 18.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-26-2020 06:11



    I created a word document to help our field surveyors set up our TSC3s.  Here is how we set up the base code recognition…







    I also set the default attributes to blank by….





    I hope this helps Mark.

  • 19.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 04-07-2020 04:43

    Looks familiar Cameron

  • 20.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 02-06-2020 16:15

    I use + to start and a - to end. So a fence would be FE + then Access removes the plus for you so carry on FE, FE, FE, FE, FE, FE C (adds curve) FE, FE, FE, FE CE (ends curve) FE, FE -


    My current personal favourite is a hedge (say 3m wide)


    HE CAN O -1.5 O 1.5 +


    The HE is the root line with level, CAN is the fluffy left and right (without a level, no one needs the fluffy to be modelled do they) and O is the offset left & right.


    Lots of typing but it works!



  • 21.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-25-2020 10:39


     I use that option a lot you can had severak HO VO to draw the rootline and two hedge extents


    what would be useful is to be able code the offset line as a RL for example 

    ...are you able to "share " you CAN fluffy line style? I am looking revise our presentation 

  • 22.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-26-2020 14:34

    Hi Alan,


    I use revision cloud in CAD to apply the fluffy canopy.  Was fed up of trying to make a line style for left & right and make it work. 

  • 23.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-27-2020 06:39

    Hi Craig,

    I fell back to using the revision cloud as well. Much let hassle than using shx files as well.

  • 24.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-16-2020 04:57

    i have tried our points code and TBC does not accept the Start and End code to be infront of the actual code.  We use a +/- infront and took me some time to find a excel tool (formula) to swap the Start and End to be behind the code.   Anyone have success with the Start and End code to be infront of the code?

  • 25.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 03-25-2020 10:40

    it must be behind the code as far as I'm aware- or use string numbers which is far easier in measure codes!

  • 26.  Re: How to use line control codes in the field?

    Posted 04-07-2020 06:30

    FYI : I have seen that there is no need to add a End code.  Where the next line start as long as you place the Start code it will automatically stop the previous line.