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FXL Close Command

  • 1.  FXL Close Command

    Posted 11-18-2018 14:46

    The Close Command in an FXL file created in the Feature Definition Manager used on the TSC3 or TSC7 Data Collectors does not end a line when used. The command closes the figure, but it allows the figure to continue. Is this possible to fix?


    We use FXL's on our collectors and when closing a figure we also have to include an end line command to prevent the figure from continuing to draw on our collector maps.




  • 2.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-13-2018 15:00

    Hi Damian, are you using line control codes such as STart a line and END a line? For any start point and end point along the line, you could use line control codes to pause the connection or start another line. Below is a screenshot for your reference. BC is the feature code for Back of Curb, ST and END are the line control codes. Please let me know if I understand your question correctly. 


  • 3.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-20-2018 14:13

    Hi Rui,


    Yes I am using those control codes, and I have no problem with the End control codes, and lines begin automatically if the raw description matches a line code.  But when I use the code for closing a figure, it joins to the start point, but it does not end the line.  So my next shot will continue the figure on from my close command shot.  Below I use EC for Edge of Concrete, ! for stop and + for close line control codes.  Figure 1 is how my data collector draws it, Figure 2 is how I would expect it to behave.



  • 4.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 01-07-2019 11:46

    Hi Damian,


    Sorry for the delay and Happy New Year!

    To discontinue the line between Point 103 and Point 104, you could add a Start a Line code to Point 104. That way TBC knows that you want two lines instead of one. Here is a screenshot with the line control codes in use. Please let me know if this explains. 


    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


  • 5.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 01-07-2019 12:02

    Yes I understand that.  I set up my linework codes in the Trimble Feature Definition Manager so that when I use a code that is recognized as a line, it begins drawing without the use of a start command.  My lines work as in my example above.


    When I want to stop a line, I use the stop command and it works perfectly.  When I use the same code again it starts a new line without issue.


    My thought is when using the Close command as shown below, it should END a line, just like an end command does, in addition to connecting the last point to the first.  The definition of the command even states that it's to be used when a line ends.  Civil 3D, Carlson and any program to reduce survey data, ends lines when a close command is used.



    Instead after using the Close Line command, it continues drawing the line unless you use an End Line command in addition to the Close Line command.


    In my example above for point number 103 I have to use the code "BC + BC !" (Which is BC Close and BC Stop)



    I really appreciate your time helping with this,


  • 6.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 01-08-2019 09:50

    Hi Damian,

    I see your point now, that a Close Line code should also end the line at the same time.

    Thank you for the feedback. We will look into it.



  • 7.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 01-08-2019 10:17

    Hi Rui,


    This would help save keystrokes for our field guys so I appreciate you looking into it.



  • 8.  RE: Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-09-2021 10:47
    Any update on this? We are dealing with the same thing. One thought would be to allow a control code to be assigned to multiple controls, i.e. in Damian's example the + code could be assigned to close line and end line. Or maybe allow for the creation of custom control codes?

    Timothy McKinney

  • 9.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 01-08-2019 12:40

    We created a line control code called JPT which prompts the user for the point they want to join to to close the figure.  Attached is a screenshot of how we configured that in our FXL file.

  • 10.  Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 01-10-2019 13:04

    We do the same, but it doesn't serve quite the same purpose and you have to type the number of the point you want to connect to.  Thanks for the suggestion.


  • 11.  RE: Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-09-2021 17:21
    I am running v5.5 and when I started using FXL i had v4.xx. I notice that the control line did not allow for symbols to be used as the code.  For our begin we used the + and for end we used -.  Those did not work so i used the ST and END for start/end.  I have just now noticed in v5.5 it will allow for the - to be used to end a line.  Maybe the version your running does not allow for symbols.  I just use the CL for the close and it has worked for me in the past.

    Francisco Guerrero

  • 12.  RE: Re: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-18-2021 09:41
    You don't have to type the point number you want to JPT to. You can tap it on the screen and it will complete the input for you.

    Michael Fletcher

  • 13.  RE: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-16-2021 17:02
    I reported this bug months ago on this forum. I don't use a begin code because civil 3D doesn't require it. But if you use a begin code for after you've closed a figure, it won't connect to the previous closed figure.

    Robert Hoy

  • 14.  RE: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-17-2021 19:59
    Wow, I didn't notice the date on this. This bug has been around for 3 years?? Why does it take them so long to fix little bugs?

    Robert Hoy

  • 15.  RE: FXL Close Command

    Posted 12-18-2021 09:01
    Now that is a great question!

    Nelson Hays