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Side Slope transitions in a corridor model.

  • 1.  Side Slope transitions in a corridor model.

    Posted 01-24-2019 09:38
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    In creating a corridor model using templates-the outside instruction include tie slopes, 2:1 to 3:1 cut or fill.  I am experiencing abrupt changes at my tie slopes at each template station rather than any sort of transition from a 2:1 to a 3:1.  The side slope at station terminates at a 2:1 and suddenly changes to the next side slope according to the next template instruction.  How go I get this to transition through these stations?

  • 2.  Re: Side Slope transitions in a corridor model.

    Posted 01-26-2019 01:00

    There is a detailed discussion and some videos on this subject by Mr Alan Sharp. I suggest you go through it.

    If I can lay my hands on that, I will send you the link.

  • 3.  Re: Side Slope transitions in a corridor model.

    Posted 01-27-2019 00:34

    I copy a detailed how to from Mr Alan Sharp on the same subject.


    Hope you will find this useful.


    Using Conditional Instructions to build a Template


    If we assume that the following is what you need to do


    Lets say we try to keep the 2m ditch and we will vary the inner slope from 1:6 to 1:3 first and only when we are at 1:3 do we vary the width of the ditch from 2 to 0 and after the inner slope is at 1:3 and the Ditch is at 0 (you dont define what happens then - but let's assume for now that that scenario never occurs)


    First step for me would be to create a set of instructions that compute back from the ROW line to the inside of DItch


    From the Edge (by Barrier), create an instruction that is a 1.4m Vertical Drop (the drop of the inner slope). Call this point Edge Base and don’t assign it to a material layer)


    From the ROW create an instruction that comes towards the CL by 0.,001 and VD of 0 (to set a direction for next shape). Call this DIR PT (Again do not assign to a material layer)


    From DIR PT create a Slope /  Slope intercept using the ROW and a slope of -1:3 and the Edge Base and a slope of 0 (this creates a point called TOE) (Again do not assign to a Material Layer)


    From the TOE create an instruction that is towards the CL by 2m and VD of 0 call this DB (Ditch Bottom) (again do not assign to a material Layer)


    The distance between TOE and Edge Base is your test condition and the following will apply (if we use the assumptions from above)


    If the Distance from TOE to Edge Base >10.4m then you have room for the 1:6 slope for 8.4m, the 2m ditch and the tie slope will end up inside the ROW.


    Else If the Distance from TOE to Edge Base is > 5.2m then your inner slope will vary so create a Connect from Edge to DB (this creates an element with varying slope from 1:3 to 1:6 depending on the offset). Create a Connect from DB to TOE and then a side slope from Toe to Daylight at 1:3


    Else if the Distance from TOE to Edge Base is >3.2m then your inner slope is locked at 1:3 and your ditch width varies from 0 to 2m and then you have your side slope of 1:3 so Create a Offset Slope of 1:3 for 3.2m, then create a connect to TOE (the varying width ditch) and then your Side SLope of 1:3 to Daylight


    Last you have to decide on what happens if the Distance is <3.2m because now you do not have room for the Inner Slope at 1:3 for the drop of 1.4m nor the DItch element for 2m so you have choices


    1) End If - don’t do anything - that leaves those sections of the road Empty and ask the Engineer what they want you to do

    2) The above assumption is wrong and lets say that the Slope goes from 1:6 to 1:3 first, then the ditch goes from 2m wide to 0, and then I guess you could say that the inner slope shortens or the outer Tie slope Steepens creating more conditions.


    Note that often in the plans the Engineer will provide a set of plans that show where the Tie slope daylights - I will often digitize that line off the PDF file and use that to determine what to do in the last scenario - or you can look at Cross Sections if provided in the areas that this could be a problem and determine what to do.


    I will endeavor to find time tomorrow to build this example for you to look at  but I hope that this helps to define how to achieve a solution in these scenarios


    The End statement is in the Conditional Instruction type - it shows as End not End If. Every If statement should have an End statement paired with it. If you ever Nest If statements then you will need an End for each If statement.


    If you don’t have End statements to an If conditional, then all instructions after the IF are considered a part of the IF which may be why your Fill condition isn’t working




    I added two End statements to your If and Nested If for Cut scenarios.


    I changed your Fill If / Else If to If / Else if you only have a Either Or condition (ie two choices like you have in the Fill - which is either to do the Fill slope as per the design if the Test Point is inside the ROW and the alternative if the point is outside the ROW to connect the Edge point to the ROW point (ROW = Fence RHS in your example), then you only need to use the sequence.


    If Test point is inside ROW then

    Do this



    Do the alternative




    The time to use Else Ifs is like in the Cut situation you have multiple test cases to work through, then you use


    If Test Point Meets Condition 1

    Do This


    but if it fails


    Else If (It Fails test Case 1)


    Do This but if it fails again


    Else If (If it fails Test Case 2)


    Do This but if it fails again


    Else If


    and you keep using Else Ifs for each alternative you want to test. If the last alternative is reached then it can be an Else statement (the catch all - if all previous test cases have failed then do this) - it can be an Else If or an Else either works in that situation but if your last case really is an If all else fails do this then you should use an Else statement which will always be executed and it is not a test just a Do It command.



    In your Fill test case you picked the ROW second and the Test Point first and then tested a >0 <300 value which was wrong - the Test is always First Point - Second Point and if it is a Positive or Negative value - so I changed Point 1 to be the ROW line and Point 2 to be the Test Point and then if ROW - Test Point is a positive number (>0 <300) then it passes and executes and if it fails (i.e. a negative number (>-300 <0) then it would do the Else statement.


    I will upload the Project with these changes and I think you have what you wanted on the Right side.



    Mirroring Instructions - When any instruction incorporates a connection to a referenced line, you will be stopped from Mirroring an instruction set. You need to build out the Right Side as far as possible without using any Ref Lines and then Mirror prior to building out the instructions that use Ref lines. Apologies for that - on the upside because all of the strings on Right and Left side have different names etc, and because Conditions on the Left Side have reverse signs to those on the Right Side (See Below) it is often easier to build the Left Side manually and not mirror - especially where there are conditions involved.


    If you take the ROW and Test Point Scenario and if you take the Right SIde first

    Where the Test Point is inside the ROW, if you Take ROW - Test Point as the Test Distance it will be +ve if the Test point is inside the ROW and -ve if the Test Point is outside the ROW line for example:


    Inside - Test Point has an offset of 20m and ROW has an offset of 30m then 30-20 = 10 (+ve)


    Outside - Test Point is 40m offset and ROW is 30m Offset then 30-40 = -10 (-ve)


    However on the Left side of the alignment do the same calcs


    Inside - Test Point has an offset of -20, ROW has an offset of -30 then -30 - -20 = -10 (-ve)


    Outside - Test Point has an offset of -40, ROW has an offset of -30 then -30 - -40 = +10 (+ve)


    Remember this when creating Conditions using HD between nodes as the test when switching sides and make sure you remain consistent with your order of point selection in the test.


    Hope that this helps



  • 4.  Re: Side Slope transitions in a corridor model.

    Posted 01-30-2019 16:01

    Hey thanks for the help.  I will review and see how it goes.