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How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

  • 1.  How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 03-30-2019 21:04

    Trying to find a safe way to delete unwanted project and all its associated data from T10 tablet running the new Trimble Siteworks.

  • 2.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-02-2019 09:18

    Hi Alex,


    Simplest way to do this would be to just delete the individual Project folder out of the "Trimble SCS900 Data" folder.  Removing the Project's folder will delete all Project and design data in that folder.  Since Siteworks is a file based software, just deleting those folders via Windows explorer is our recommended way to remove projects that are no longer needed.  

  • 3.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-02-2019 09:25

    I am not sure what you mean by "Safely" - are you referring to the potential downstream effects when you sync up to your PC. Is this the only device that has the project on it or are there other devices (SPS or Machines) on the same project that will need the data after you have deleted it, or is the project completed and no longer needed by anyone, or was it a Test Project that noone ever used - you just created it for testing / learning processes. Depending on your answers to the above will dictate the safest way to do what you are trying to do. 


    As a general rule - if this device is finished on the project but the project is ongoing - then I would use TBC / SCS Data Manager to take the device off the Project first (you do that through the Job Site Manager and reassign Controllers and deselect this device - that way it is disassociated with the Project so any changes you make on the device for that project will not affect anyone else.


    Now you should just be able to use File Explorer and remove the project from the Trimble Synchronizer Data folder on the device - I would most likely first move it to a Backup Location rather than delete it (e.g. make a \Documents\Backup Projects folder and move it there first) and make sure that by doing that you are not screwing anyone else up on site through a sync process


    If you are using Office Synchronizer on the device to Sync to a USB Stick and then using the USB Stick to Sync with the office PC or if you are Synchronizing through TCC will also have an impact on how you should manage this process.


    If on the device you remove the Site Folder from the synchronizer data folder then when you sync up next time it will remove it from the Device Folder on TCC and from the Office Computer. Same in reverse - if you unassign the controller from the project then the Project Folder and all Designs and Work Orders will instantly be deleted from the Sync Folder, and on next sync to TCC and the Device they will be removed automatically - so typically I would


    1) Synchronize Fully (Device to TCC or USB Stick and TCC / USB Stick to  the office computer - to make sure that all the Controller Data was on the Back Office Computer

    2) Make a Backup Copy of the Device / Project Folder on the Office PC so you have everything backed up before you start deleting / reassigning things

    3) Unassign the controller from the project using Jobsite Manager in TBC / Data Manager

    4) Sync Up again from Office PC to TCC or USB Stick using Office Synchronizer and then again to the Device and that will remove the Project Data and all Designs and Work Orders for that Project from the device


    Hope that this answers the question



  • 4.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 07:30



    Thank you for this comprehensive response. That was my understanding that deleting a project could be achieved by simply removing its folder from Synchronizer Data, but being new to Trimble, wanted to make sure - many software applications don't like when Windows Explorer is used to delete or move the associated files. The explanation of the sync process was also very helpful.


    I have another related question. Is there a way of removing receivers that are no longer used (owned) from the drop-down lists that appear during the Connect Device process in Siteworks?



    Garrick Raczek

  • 5.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 07:59

    I think that is a hard coded list that you cannot change - I will forward

    your comment to that team and have them comment




    On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 8:30 AM <>

  • 6.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 08:12

    I don't think the list I refer to is hardcoded. It's actually the list of individual devices that were once connected to the controller. It is the drop-down list that shows up after selecting Bluetooth as connection type in the Receiver Setup workflow. It lists the unique devise ID's. In our case, there are four devices listed, two that we own and use and two that we don't use and want to get rid of to avoid confusion in the field.


    Garrick Raczek

  • 7.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 08:37

    In which case those will be stored in the Root folder of the Device Data in

    the Allsites.xml file


    My guess is that it is this group section maybe - I only have the emulator

    on my PC so I dont have a long list - however if you make a note of one of

    the ones you want to delete and then search in the XML File for that

    specific name it will find the correct section - each receiver will be

    listed separately and have a group of lines that would need to be deleted

    - not sure if this is the right group or not but serves as an example. If

    you move that file out of the SCS900 Data folder then Siteworks will

    recreate it and it will be like starting all over - but you should try to

    edit the file and clean out the items you dont want - make a backup of the

    file before editing it in case you screw something up



  • 8.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 08:41

    Receiver names are stored in the AllSites.xml file which lives in the main Trimble SCS900 Data Folder  


    Two approaches.  You can just delete (after making a backup copy and moving it elsewhere) the AllSites.xml file and this will effectively do a complete settings reset of Siteworks, where you will lose ALL your saved settings like last connected to devices, VRS servers, units, stakeout stake lengths, and the location of the data folder. 

    Or you can manually parse the XML file and find the "<key>UsedRoverBtDevices</key>" entry and CAREFULLY delete out the entries for any receiver you don't want to show up any more.    

  • 9.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 08:54

    Thank you, Gentlemen.


    I appreciate your prompt responses and useful information.

    Puts fun back into working with the technology.


    Garrick Raczek

  • 10.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 09:02

    Glad that we entertain you Garrick




    On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 9:55 AM <>

  • 11.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 10:03



    To give you a background, we purchased a set of two SPS986 and a T10 tablet coming off rental from Sitech. Apparently, the previous user had four receivers, we only have two. Ours show up in the list along with the two that we don't own.

    I already deleted AllSites.xml once because I wanted to give the controller sync folder a different name than "PC".

    I also reviewed the current AllSites.xml file and it only lists last used Base and Rover. The two devices that I want to remove are not in the file but still show up in the drop-down list in the Receiver Setup process.

    I also have SCS900 installed on my T10 and it appears that both SCS900 and Siteworks use the same data folder. Interestingly, the obsolete devices don't show in SCS900.

    Is there any other location where these previously used devices might be listed and removed from?


    Garrick Raczek

  • 12.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 10:20

    Hey Garrick,

    You just reminded me that we actually look at the paired Bluetooth Devices in Windows to make that list in Siteworks and SCS900.  So go into the Windows Bluetooth menu and just remove the unwanted devices from there.  That should take them out of the Siteworks List.  This is a new thing with Windows10 and when we created Siteworks and "improved" the Bluetooth connection process, we modified how the paired receivers are read in and stored.  

  • 13.  Re: How to delete a project and all the associated files in Siteworks on T10 tablet?

    Posted 04-03-2019 10:17

    I figured it out. Since only the last used devices are listed in AllSites.xml, the older unused devices need to unpaired in Windows Bluetooth Devices settings.


    Garrick Raczek