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Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

  • 1.  Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-13-2021 23:20
    Hi there!

    I have a surface and i want to report this surface like this (the bold text i dont know how to do):

    • Total volume - surface to surface
    • What is the area where the excavation is 0 to 1m - surface area report of the isopach.
    • The volume of the excavation 0-1m - i dont know how to do this in a easy way.

    One way to do that volume calculation is to do create contours on the isopach on 0 elevation and -1m elevation and use thoose lines as boundarys in a volume calculation but that is a lot of work and i wonder if someone has a workflow wich is easier. 

    Have a nice day!

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 2.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-14-2021 00:32
    Surface -> Earthworks Report -> Volume Breakdown by depth Increment

    Marian Plucinski

  • 3.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-14-2021 01:04
    That will not give me the correct volume, i dont really know how that function works but it gives me the wrong numbers. look at the picture below. As you can see i have only 479m2 surface (the picture above) wich is 1m or lower to excavate and if i do the same volume report as i did for the cut n fill and choose "by depth increasement" it will sa that i have 622m3 in volume. Thats more than 1m on that surface. So i need some other way. 

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 4.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-14-2021 15:47

    I have never had a problem with Earthworks Report.

    How are you calculating your Area By Depth?

    You are looking at area by depth on the Cut/Fill Map surface, or is it ISOPATH surface?

    Marian Plucinski

  • 5.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-14-2021 21:13
    I wouldn't trust those surface areas in the surface info report.
    On a test I run it seems that the areas are delta values to the previous slice.
    In this example the area for the polylines should get bigger the higher I go. In the report they are all different, but added together the give me the area of the highest line.

    What you can do to verify the areas is to set the property "Drape surface" of the Isopach to "no", create Contourlines on the Isopach, explode those and check the stringline area in the properties pane.

    Ronny Schneider

  • 6.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-16-2021 22:58
    Thats becasue you get the area between the selected numbers, the example you show is the correct area. 
    Thats why i set my elevations in the settings from 2 to -2m with 1 meter in between. That gives me the area from 0 to -1m and the rest above shows under -2m in the table when taking the area for excavation from the isopach. I would say that they are correct. 
    My problem is that i still would like to get the volume for the excavation 0 to 1m depth.

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 7.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-15-2021 02:09
    Edited by Fredrik Bergstrom 07-15-2021 02:09

    Thanks for your answers! 
    A stupid question, the ISOPACH surface and the C/F-map surface, is that not the same? 

    Here is a video of how i am doing it. :)

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 8.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-18-2021 14:44
    Hi @Fredrik Bergstrom,

    I might be wrong, but I have a ​funny feeling that you're comparing volume of 0 to 1m CUT with the area of 0 to 1m FILL.

    Any chance that you would share both your surfaces?

    Marian Plucinski

  • 9.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-20-2021 23:24
    Hi @Marian Plucinski :)

    Here is a VCL-file with my surfaces wich i am using for my calculations.
    And here is a video (again) when i am trying to explain what i am doing with thoose surfaces.

    Probably i am looking at the wrong numbers in the reports and thats what is messing with my mind. When i am doing a surface info report and choosing 0 to -1 i look at the planimetric surface but i think i should look at the actual surface area. 

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 10.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-21-2021 01:37
    Hi again, take a look at this video and file instead. I did a comparisation wich is correct when doing it with an easy surface but it does not look the same when doing it on my surfaces, any idea why? 

    Have a nice day!

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 11.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-21-2021 22:00
    You're right, it doesn't look right. 

    But I could not fault any of the functions using "Simple" models, I recon that multiple islands within islands are the reason.

    I would recommend as follows:

    Generate contours 0 and -1 on your CFM.
    Create closed polygons.
    Calculate volume and area within those polygons.

    Marian Plucinski

  • 12.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-21-2021 22:25
    Ah, thats sounds correct and a problem wich i know exists. Volumes when its a island inside a island.
    Contours at 0 and -1, thats how i used to do it but i was searching/hoping for a more easy and faster way to do it but it seems like i have to do it that way. 

    Thanks for all your help! 😁

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 13.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-27-2021 14:57
    I think you are mixing areas that have a cut between 0 and 1 with areas that have cut more than 0.

    The volume by depth range had a cut volume of 643m3 for the cut range of 0-1. That volume would include areas where the cut was more than 1m (but only include the volume from the 0-1 range). For example, think of a layered cake. Each cut range will have the volume of that horizontal slice but only the top slice would have any area defined (since all the "cut" depths are the same)

    The surface info report includes the areas where the cut is in the defined range (so 549m2 in your case)
    I think you can calculate the volume in the range from the numbers defined in the reports.
    First compute area where cut is larger than 1m. You have two easy ways to do this.
    1) Subtract area of 0-1 range from total area
              areaAboveRange = totalArea - depthArea = (1016-549) = 467m2
    2) Add up the areas from other depth ranges
              areaAboveRange = 191+276 = 467m2
    Then the difference should be volume where cut is only in the defined range. The thickness to use when calculating volume is 1m in this case.
    volume= 643 - (467 * 1) = 176m3

    Gary Lantaff

  • 14.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-28-2021 22:51

    Thanks for your replay. Can you do a video when you do this and explains it, i rellay dont understand how this works. 

    I am using the define range to get the area from 0 to -1 and doing this by using the define ranges -2,-1,0,1 and 2. That should give med the correct area between zero and minus 1 i hope. otherwise i dont understand what this function is for. 
    It seems like the volume calculation is correct, its only the area wich is messing things up.

    Fredrik Bergstrom

  • 15.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-29-2021 09:29
    I hope a picture is worth a 1000 words.
    In the cross-section image below, the cyan color shows the slice where the volume is computed for the range 0 to -1. Some of the volume is in areas of cut between 0 and -1 and others are in areas of larger cuts (as shown by the hatch pattern)
    The red lines show the areas where the cut is within the specified range. The sum of these "red line" areas should equal the total cut area. The dimension shows the limits of where the actual cut is between 0 and -1. As you see, you can't relate the volume reported for that cut range with the area reported as they cover different areas.

    If you want the volume of the cut in this slice that only comes from the area where the cut is between 0 and -1, you just need to take the total volume for that cut range and subtract the amount where the cut is larger than -1 (the hatched area in the image).

    Luckily, it's simple to compute this volume as that volume will have a constant thickness (1m) so volume is just "Area * Thickness".
    To get the area, just sum the reported areas for other cut ranges. (The "red" line areas)

    Gary Lantaff

  • 16.  RE: Volume in specified depth area - ist it possible and if it ism how to do it?

    Posted 07-30-2021 10:59
    Thanks!! That picture was atleast 1000 words :). Finally i understand how this works, its impressive how hard it could be to understand things sometimes. Now i can do my computations and feel sure about them and i know how TBC is doing the math. Understanding is the most importing thing otherwise you cant explain when someone asks you about the numbers. 
    Again, thanks! :)

    Have a nice summer. 


    Fredrik Bergstrom