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Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

  • 1.  Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-19-2021 21:18
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    I know this is not really the right group/community to post this to, but I have not found anything related to Trimble Access.

    I came across an issue with Trimble Access today. I was shooting several points in both faces, but pretty much for each point I got the "Out of tolerance" message between F1 and F2, which almost never happened to me before. So I checked the raw data and the differences in angles and distances between F1 and F2 surely did not correspond with the differences in coordinates, which were much bigger. It is especially obvious in the attached screenshots, where F1 and F2 have the same distance and the same hor. angle (+180 deg. of course), but the coordinates for F1 and F2 differ by 6 mm, while, obviously, they should be exactly the same. Did this by any chance happen to anyone or anyone knows what this glitch is caused by ?

    Lukas Zifcak

  • 2.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-21-2021 08:52
    i have not seen this before. but i would like to take a guess that in one of the instrument settings there is an offset being applied. likely something that looks like a tolerence setting. or maybe an offset with your prism constant. 
    if you manually calc a point using the angles and distance which are the same on each face you can then see if it is a distance problem or an angle problem. and that will help narrow things down a little. 
    i am a little surprised that the angles and distances are exactly the same on each face, are they all exact??
    has anything else changed since you started seeing this problem? instrument serviced or anything??

    ian bissonnette

  • 3.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-21-2021 19:33
    Since the difference is predominantly in the Northing and the bearing is around 11° (i.e. close to North), I would say to issue is with how the distance is reduced. What is the reduced horizontal distance? Are they the same for F1 and F2? Is there anything different with the target details between the two faces or anything else that could affect the reduced distance? Did you see any similar issues other observations?

    If you are unable to determine what caused this, I would suggest sending the job file to your dealer or Trimble Support to see if they can work out what has happened.

    James McWha

  • 4.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-26-2021 14:31
    Hey James,

    the reduced distances are the same for both faces, both were shot reflectorlessly, i.e. with the same target setting. I cannot really come up with anything that might have caused that.  As  I mentioned before, even other observation had the same issue, I posted this one, where it is most obvious without manually recalculating. My dealer already sent the .job file to Trimble, so I'll post here, if they come up with the solution.

    Lukas Zifcak

  • 5.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-26-2021 05:47
    Edited by Pawel Hasiuk 03-26-2021 05:47
    Hi Lukas,

    Couple of questions,

    1. I can see that you are shooting reflector-less to the target tape. Is the tape perpendicular to the instrument or is it on the slight angle?
    2. Because you are shooting quite a long distance it is fairly easy to get the angles right, however you will not see that your internal DR might be slightly misaligned for some reason. That could cause that error (I think however I am not a Trimble tech so this is only my opinion).

    If you can send me a *.job or *jxl file I can have a proper look at the data if you wish.



    Pawel Hasiuk

  • 6.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-26-2021 14:38
    Hi Pawel,

    you are right and I am well aware of those facts, however, that is not what my concern is. What troubles me is that from 2 sets (F1 and F2) of the same raw data, Trimble Access calculates 2 different sets of coordinates.

    Lukas Zifcak

  • 7.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-26-2021 17:06
    Hi Lukas,

    You are absolutely correct. Can you let us know which version of the software you were using?


    Pawel Hasiuk

  • 8.  RE: Trimble access coordinates calculation glitch ?

    Posted 03-27-2021 12:41
    Hi Pawel,

    My Access version is 2018.20.061

    Lukas Zifcak