Some of our Surveyors have been experiencing an issue opening a linked file for the HES Base TBC. Upon further investigation, it seems that when a CSV is exported, random point codes will duplicate many times over. This is what was causing the error on the controllers. When the long duplicated text strings were deleted in Excel, everything worked fine. This is not an ideal fix as the root issue still remains.
I’ve reached out to Trimble on the forums, a product manager had me send some screen recordings of the issues, and the dataset to her team. They’ve found a quick fix, which requires deleting the feature code and pasting back into TBC. This did work for some of the points.
Here are some additional issues and what I did to fix them:
Almost every point that had a “# character” in it, was duplicated in the CSV. To fix this issue we will need to use the Number followed by the Number Sign, when entering the information into the survey controller. Ex. FRB / 5#, FRB / 4#, FRB / 7#. We have actually decided as a company to not use the # sign in the point codes anymore, it causes additional issues further down the line in our CAD Work.
This next issue doesn’t show up as often, it seems random as we have many points entered this way and only some of them cause duplication.
The fix: While entering data into the controller use a space between LS or ND and the Surveyor Number (not a dash). EX. FCRB / ND 1127 or FCRB / LS 3214