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RCP export scaling error of SX10 scans, v5.21

  • 1.  RCP export scaling error of SX10 scans, v5.21

    Posted 08-04-2020 06:34

    Last summer I exported a RCP file and I was able to get it to align perfectly with survey points in a dwg file, which was probably with TBC v5.1.  Now with v5.21 it seems RCP export is always scaling to "ground".


    In the Point Cloud export for RCP format, there's an option for grid or ground. Previously, if you set it to grid, it would not scale your data. If you set it to ground, it would scale the data to ground (who knows with what parameters).  What I'm trying with my project is unscaled data, so I'm leaving it as grid setting in the exporter.  Yet referencing the RCP into autocad, the scan gets placed as if it was scaled to ground. My boundary calculations and autocad's background aerial image confirm that. Even if you set the export setting to ground, it gets placed in the same spot in autocad as it does when grid was selected.


    In autocad if I set the scaling option in the reference of the RCP to be the combined factor from Ground to Grid, it comes in within 5 feet comparing to autocad's background map.   I don't have access to v5.3 until my license gets renewed at the start of next year.

  • 2.  Re: RCP export scaling error of SX10 scans, v5.21

    Posted 08-05-2020 08:32



    I have kept up with the current version of TBC for the last couple of years.

    I see the same problem quite often in multiple versions.  Sometimes the scale factor is applied and sometimes is not which could lead to pretty significant errors if you don't catch it


    I use the same workaround that you are using to get things to line up.


    I'm updating to 5.31 right now but I don't have a lot of faith that things will be fixed.



  • 3.  Re: RCP export scaling error of SX10 scans, v5.21

    Posted 08-06-2020 17:31

    It seems that v5.21, for exporting RCP, is assuming your data is on Ground, which is ridiculous.  If you choose Ground in the export, it sets scale factors as 1 in the .txt file is creates with the other files. If you choose Grid, it makes the scale factor less than 1 in the txt file! 


    In v5.1 I chose Grid if I didn't want any scaling (because I chose my scaling in local site settings), however, exporting in v5.21 with a scale factor of 1 in the .txt file mis-located the point cloud by 7 feet in my dwg when comparing to control points I exported from TBC and brought into C3D.


    It is starting to get mind boggling how some functions do not operate correctly from one version to the next! 

