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Descriptions in KML/KMZ Exports

  • 1.  Descriptions in KML/KMZ Exports

    Posted 12-20-2018 20:19

    First, thank you for making this Trimble Business Center Group available and to all that contribute it.  I am certain it has become a valuable resource to us many TBC users (just as it has me).  On to the question....


    When exporting KML or KMZ formats to Google Earth, is it possible to have TBC include the Feature Code information in the export as well?  I have tried using both Google Earth in the Graphic View ribbon and the "KML/KMZ exporter" format in the GIS export tab.  Currently I only get point name and coordinates (w/ elevation).  It has become a daily use tool for me and adding the code information would be very beneficial.  I am able to get codes when I export using the "ASCII File Generator" or "Job Report Generator" and the KML style sheet but I can only do one raw Access *.job file at a time. 


    I am not using the new TBC v5.x yet... however I am preparing for the upgrade (reading up on what all is involved, any licensing changes, stability, etc...).  Is there any TBC v5.x users out there that know if the code and possibly attribute information is exported in the newest TBC release?


    Thank you and Happy Holidays!



  • 2.  Re: Descriptions in KML/KMZ Exports

    Posted 01-02-2019 06:24



    The picture below is a sample of what you can get from TBC 5.0 and Google Earth. I did this by selecting the points I have in TBC and using the Google Earth button. Once this is in Google Earth I can save it to "My Places" and export out as a KML/KMZ. The pictures are a bit trouble some because they are linked in the background, the link doesn't extended beyond the computer all the data is on.


    Hope this helps you.


    Google Earth Point Selection

  • 3.  Re: Descriptions in KML/KMZ Exports

    Posted 01-18-2019 09:25


    When I do an export to KML/KMZ the point coordinates and images show up in Google Earth but not the Attribute information associated with the points.  Any suggestions?



  • 4.  Re: Descriptions in KML/KMZ Exports

    Posted 01-22-2019 06:10



    Have you processed the feature codes? This step needs to be done first before the information will show up in the Google Earth view. The only other issue might be the version of TBC you are using.

  • 5.  Re: Descriptions in KML/KMZ Exports

    Posted 01-18-2019 22:02

    Thank you Sean!  Exactly what I needed to know. 

    Much appreciated!

