You go through the Site / Design Creation for SCS900 / GCS900.
Once you have the Site and Design created then you go to Jobsite Manager and in the dialog at the top you can define whether you want to create a project Library on TCC or in a Local PC Folder - Pick PC Folder.
Once you have done that in the Field Data Tab you can select "Publish To Project Library (This is for Earthworks System)
When you use that command - it will ask you what of the Site and Design Data you have created for SCS900 / GCS900 you want to publish to a project library for Earthworks - select the Site and Design data that you want to publish and it will create you the appropriate files in the appropriate formats and data folder structure for the Earthworks System in the PC Folder you selected in the Jobsite Manager
You can then use Copy Project Library to USB if you want to put them on a USB Stick for Field Use - all machines in Earthworks get the same data (unless you manually interact with the data to remove some or create different Project Libraries for different machines).
The DSZ files will be in the Design Level Folder
I believe that I have posted PPTs and Detailed Instructions on the Forum on this some time ago - I guess if you search "Earthworks" those posts should show up - I can look tomorrow and find the link
You can also go to the Export Menu - Under Construction there is an Option for "Field Data Exporter" and there you can select the Version of the File (this is Version Control for the Designs) and then the type of file (Calibration, Design etc) and if you pick Design - then you can Export a DSZ file for the machines - this however is dependent on having first used the Jobsite and Design Creation process to create the Site and Design in the Project - you can then select the Design you want to Export and it will also create you a DSZ file
Hope this answers the question