Recently I came across an issue that I'm not sure has been addressed here, but found the fix for it.
I have an alignment with 5 or so equation stations, the last one decreasing in station rather than increasing.
For example:
"Zone 5" runs from station 708+57.21 to 798+15.60, with the equation at the end being 798+15.60 (BK)/ 306=32 (AH).
From 306+32 (the start of zone 6) the stationing decreases, while left and right orientation remains the same (to the end of project, 295+00).
To achieve this I entered the equation station to complete "zone 5" (798+15.60 BK/ 306=32 AH), and created another equation station with the "Back and Ahead" stations both set to 295+00. This completed "zone 6", reversing the progression while also leaving the left and right orientation as the plans intended.
(for reference, see attached image)