That makes sense but I am referring to the contours generated from a surface (where each contour is its own entity and you have labels) not the quick contours. I use the Takeoff Finished design surface as my main modeling surface because I add all of my 3D linework to the the design category, manipulate as need be, then I have Crtl + X set to "rebuild takeoff surface". So instead of the surface updating every time I make a change, I can choose when I want the surface to update (I know there are a few other ways of doing these but I found this to be the easiest for me ). For my contours, I have these set to auto and since my surface is not on auto build my surface and contours only update when I rebuild my design surface.
I use the contours for visual aid for myself as I am modeling and redesigning, my deliverables and for the data collectors. We don't necessarily need it on the data collectors but it helps to keep things consistent from paper plans to data collector and it helps provide a visual aid on what the surface is doing.
I would like the ability to select this contour group (Finished Grade contours) and have business center recognize that if the surface updates these contours need to be updated/regen and still exported as part of the linework for the DXF,SVl or DSZ for field equipment. Business center would be recognizing a change in the contour entity and pushing this to the field equipment. I think this process would still be necessary if you were exporting a vcl unless you are going through and selecting everything individual piece of data. The export linework function of the Field data tab works well except when dealing with dynamic data such as the contours. You need the option to select the entire group or select the layer these entities are on and send everything on that layer, which might not be a bad idea. If things are added or subtracted from designated layers, the user doesn't need to micromanage and deselect entities or add entities. I need to ponder this a little more in efforts to make it clear and not overcomplicated.
It looks like Siteworks will recognize the quick contours, see an example below. Either Business Center or Siteworks must be exploding the quick contours into individual contours. Like you mentioned, the contours are not smooth though. I also get "Unnamed DXF" when I select on the linework.
SCS900 and Siteworks both have the ability to contour a surface measured and modeled which i think is very beneficial. SCS900 wasn't bad but you were limited on the contour interval depending on the size of the project (large project, you may be stuck with a 3 foot interval which may not be useful). Siteworks handles contouring a lot better and from what I have seen, even on our larger projects, 60 acres. I can throw on .5 ft contours to provide more detail on what is going on in flat areas.
I agree that Siteworks' ability to utilize a vcl has some create potential. I have seen this with exporting multiple alignments and surfaces and not needing to have a single design for each modeled surface.
Something that I have asked the SCS900/Siteworks team about and I think it would be very useful is seeing slope arrows on the data collectors. This would help with QA/QC.