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TBC Merge Surfaces Lowest Elevations

  • 1.  TBC Merge Surfaces Lowest Elevations

    Posted 02-26-2020 12:23

    I have many surfaces overlapping and I want to create one surface with the lowest elevation for each x,y coordinate from the existing surfaces.


    Does TBC have a command who can help me?


    Would a workaround be something like

    1. Create a grid of level for both grids and export the grid points out to excel

    2. Create a spreadsheet which will look up the lowest value between the corresponding grid point

    3. Re-import the new grid level


    Or is there a better workaround?

  • 2.  Re: TBC Merge Surfaces Lowest Elevations

    Posted 02-26-2020 13:39


    Is "Keep minimum" on merge surfaces, what you're looking for?

  • 3.  Re: TBC Merge Surfaces Lowest Elevations

    Posted 02-26-2020 15:37

    Prefect Thanks