I don't usually have much bad to say about a feature in TBC other than a few wish list items or bugs, but man was I really disappointed with the auto classification of points cloud data in TBC. To be totally upfront, I haven't done that much scanning, a lot less than I probably should be doing since we own an SX10. Half of the reason is always having to use Trimble Access when I am so used to Siteworks.
In any case, we had a project where there were some existing stockpiles on site that the owner had for the contractor to use. The contractor wanted to verify the quantities of the piles. I thought, "no problem at all, they're really clean piles, not much for vegetation on them except for some tumbleweeds here and there, I'll scan them with the SX10 and get you a really accurate number". Fast forward to bringing the data in and running the extract classified point cloud regions and I really wished I had just hoofed the piles with the GPS because it would have been way faster, kept my quantity in an acceptable realm, and not made me want to pull my hair out. I could have probably got rid of most of the bad classification through down-sampling the data, but I wanted to try different way of cleanup for when I actually have to do it for real in the future.
So far, we don't do anything real crazy with the scanner, but I would like to use the SX10 for more things. But when TBC can't even clean up these actually really clean stockpile scans fairly quickly, without me doing a bunch of manual cleanup, it's hard to justify the computer cleanup time versus the manual survey time with minimal clean up.
I have attached the files here for anyone from Trimble who wants to use it to maybe try and improve this command. Here's hoping, because I would really like it to work a little more seamlessly as stockpile quantities as we get asked to do them a lot, especially in the spring and fall.
I also attached some scan files of a retention pond on the same project that was drained before we scanned it. I ended up only taking the point cloud data below the old waterline and then combining it with regular GPS survey data due to all of the extra point cloud cleanup I would have had to have done to get reliable data.
Hope this can be used for some improvements of the program in the future!
Katie Byron