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ConvertToRinex command line issue - ParamFile not taken into account

  • 1.  ConvertToRinex command line issue - ParamFile not taken into account

    Posted 12-06-2023 08:16

    Hi all,

    I am using the utility convertToRinex (v3.1.4) to convert raw GNSS files in RINEX files, however the instructions given in the ParamFile - as specified in the documentation "convertToRinex -?" - are not taken into account.

    I am converting multiple .T0X files into RINEX obs files and would like to change the output name, more specifically the extension from .YYo to .obs but the parameter given as "ObsFile=*.obs" is not working.

    I cannot stay on the output naming convention for automatization purposes (I need to be able to retrieve the name without knowing a priori informations like the year).

    Any information on this topic or help ?

    Thanks in advance !

    Léo PHAM-VAN