The GCS900 12.80 emulator has a bug in it, so it cannot work as an excavator (sensor errors). Works as a dozer though.
I've sent 13.15 to you through WeTransfer.
Once installed you need to set it up - I usually do this:
MENU - Restore Settings - Machine Settings - EXCAVATOR 3D HS - OK
Sometimes it doesn't default add receivers, so you have to manually select them in the little add-on that starts with the software:

After that you can change from 2D to 3D here:

The default path for you design-files will be like Alan mentioned:
"Earthmoving" mimics the machine folder on TCC, and "MCGData-TRMB-CB460-V13.13" would be the Machine Control Data folder.
In case you reference a geoid in TBC make sure this geoid-file is also copied to the emulator, or it will throw an error: