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Snap behavior still buggy in new update - when will it be fixed?

  • 1.  Snap behavior still buggy in new update - when will it be fixed?

    Posted 06-20-2022 14:38
    I updated to 5.70 and was hoping to see some progress on the buggy snap behavior that's been with us for the last couple versions at least.

    I know other people here on the forum have experienced these issues too, and commentary suggested it's being addressed by the development team. When can we expect a fix?

    The biggest issue I'm encountering lately is when dragging a handle on a linestring, the active snap focuses on the node I'm dragging making snap useless (see gif below).
    The other issue is that the snap indicators can disappear completely even though the snap is still active, and the only way I've found to get them back is to close and reboot TBC. Seems to happen most often when I've closed one .vce and opened another, and there might be a connection to the presence of geo-referenced pdfs in the project files. I geo-reference a lot in every project - really helps me spot the slightest revisions and layout discrepancies between CAD & paper plans.

    Stephen Gibson

  • 2.  RE: Snap behavior still buggy in new update - when will it be fixed?

    Posted 06-20-2022 15:30
    I was told it's been fixed in 5.70. Surprise surprise, clearly it wasn't.

    I am just gobsmacked how little TBC Dev's and Product Managers care about their product.


  • 3.  RE: Snap behavior still buggy in new update - when will it be fixed?

    Posted 06-20-2022 16:48
    Right? In the above example, since I was trying to snap to the circle center I merely turned off end-point snap so it would focus on the other snap instead; but this isn't a solution when we need to snap to the endpoints of other lines.

    By the way, a new bug that I've only seen since 5.70 is that end point snap no longer snaps 3D like it used to. Perpendicular snap etc. still captures 3D, but end point snap doesn't any more. Very frustrating because I had a work-flow that depended on 3D endpoint snaps automatically elevating some additional lines I was drawing in and now I've had to devise work-arounds to elevate those lines after drawing them.

    Every new update I have to brace myself for what will now be broken, hoping that the new features and the occasional fixes for things broken by previous updates are worth it; about every three updates it fails to be worth it but too difficult to go back.

    I suspect the issue is that they've lost a lot of their original development staff and the program's codebase wasn't well maintained making it difficult for new hires to pick up the pieces and move forward. I've been told that's one factor driving the migration to WorksManager - the fact that it's gotten to a point where it's easier to pay new programmers to start over from scratch than have them try to decipher/make sense of the original code well enough to update/maintain it without breaking things. That, and there are new security protocols/technology that isn't easy to incorporate into the old code.

    Still, simply responding more actively and accurately to community feedback would go so far.

    Stephen Gibson

  • 4.  RE: Snap behavior still buggy in new update - when will it be fixed?

    Posted 06-20-2022 22:35
    I commend you for even still having any hope in TBC actually being worth upgrading or thinking that they give even single care about community feedback. I haven't had any hope in updates since ver 5.2, gave up on "community feedback" when Alan went to Rockpile and they destroyed every helpful piece of information ever created by deleting ALL the useful content on the original forum and said F-it when the only way to get basic core commands and functionality was to pay a 3rd party company a subscription and be connected to the internet 100% of the time.

    steve schuler