I've seen two issue recently with WM. One was I had created a VCL, just so i could refresh on how to do it only for the DC. Well, some how it interfered with out grade control Dozer. It would not let Earthworks work. The VCL had to be deleted and now it works. The Other some how had duplicate Control Point files and would not let a party chief access the points while he was helping another project.
Francisco Guerrero
Original Message:
Sent: 04-08-2024 04:47
From: Rich Smith
Subject: Works Manager is restoring files to a T7 that were deleted
We went a step further and deleted everything in the synchronizer folder and even did a root level search for *.DXF to make sure the files were not hiding somewhere else.
Rich Smith
Original Message:
Sent: 04-05-2024 07:46
From: Matthew Pitt
Subject: Works Manager is restoring files to a T7 that were deleted
Did you go into TCC Explorer and delete the files in the relevant data collectors folder?
I've shown the drive path below.
I agree it's a nighmare getting things deleted from WorksManager but once you remove it from WorksManager and delete it in the file I've shown below they tend to stay dead gone

Matthew Pitt
Original Message:
Sent: 04-02-2024 11:57
From: Rich Smith
Subject: Works Manager is restoring files to a T7 that were deleted
One of our tablets is bringing back versions of a file that was deleted both from the tablet and works manager (not just archived, actually deleted).
We tried deleting the synchronization cache on the tablet as well as doing a drive level search for any remaining DXF files on the tablet.
To further confuse the situation. Version 9 of the files keeps reappearing. Version 10 and 11 do not, but version 9 is being restored when we sync up to download version 12.
(Our file version # not the .v01 number in works manager).
Any Thoughts?
Rich Smith