Good morning TBC’ers! If you use your own feature code library instead of the default one shipped with TBC, and you utilize that FXL in the (semi-)automatic point feature extraction workflow, you may have run into these questions: Instead of just getting the position of the feature, how do I...
Good morning TBC’ers! Have you ever imported a large point cloud dataset and wished you could simplify your graphic view and focus on just your area of interest? Well, today I will be showing you the Set Limit Box command. The Set Limit Box command displays a customizable planar box...
Good morning TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to extract grid points from a scanned road along an alignment so the points can be staked out later on? Well, today I will be demonstrating the Create a Surface Elevation Grid command. The Create a Surface Elevation Grid command simply...
When creating TerraFlex cloud projects through one of the add-ins for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap), there are two photo handling workflows to be aware of. Store Photos as Attachments (multiple photos per feature) If a feature class has been enabled with attachments (available with a Standard or...
Good morning TBC’ers! Have you ever extracted classified point cloud regions in TBC but noticed an object that was classified incorrectly and wished you could manually add the object to the correct region? Well, today I will be demonstrating the Add to Point Cloud Region command. The Add...
Good morning TBC’ers! Have you ever wanted to export your extracted feature attributes to an external GIS software? Well, today I will be demonstrating the Export Feature Attributes command. The Export Feature Attributes command exports feature attributes from your TBC project to...
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