TBC Macros and Extensions1

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07 Using and Sharing Macros 

05-01-2018 12:06

Downloading and Using a Shared Macro from the Trimble Community

Warning: Use shared macros at your own risk. Trimble assumes no liability for the results of doing so. Get text from Legal

Visit the Repository in this community to get shared macros written by other users.

  1. Go to ...

  2. Search for ...

Sharing Your Macros in the Community

You can help build a robust library of shareware macros for everyone to use. Here are some guidelines:

  • Describe what your macro does and why at the top of the setup section.

  • Add a key, command name, and caption in the setup section.

  • Debug your macro before sharing.

  1. Go to ...

  2. Select Actions > Upload a file.

  3. Drag-and drop your macro files (.py, .xaml, and, .png (icon))

  4. Add the shareware tag and check the box for Shareware macros.

  5. Click Publish.

Adding Macros to Ribbons and the Quick Access Toolbar

For steps, open Trimble Business Center, press F1, and search for Use the Ribbon Layout in the help. See also Command Data Class Properties for ribbon placement. If you change a macro's icon or tooltip, reload the ribbon layout to see your changes.

Next topic: 08 Appendix/Reference Information

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