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File Processing & Assimilation 

12-20-2016 02:24

File Processing & Assimilation

File Assimilation 

In order to view supported files in Trimble Connect, they must complete the assimilation process. This process includes translating the file format so it can be viewed in Trimble Connect and to collect data from the file that is used in reporting, clashes, etc. Depending on the number size and complexity of files that are uploaded, it may take some time before they can be processed. You can verify the status by selecting the file and viewing the status in the right pane.

When a 3D model file is uploaded, it needs to go through an assimilation process in order to be loaded by the viewer. This process is not instant and can take a few minutes to complete.  

  • While processing, the file will not be available for viewing and a message will appear stating the status.
  • Once this process is complete, you will be able to view the model in the viewer as well as the thumbnail of the model in the properties section of the model.

The status of a file that is being processed can be checked by selecting the file and viewing the right pane. Users can subscribe to a processing completion notification email on any file by selecting the "Notify me when done" checkbox.

File Assimilation in Trimble Connect for Browser's 3D Viewer

Converting the original model file to the TrimBIM format is a prerequisite for viewing models in the 3D Viewer.

The first time loading a model might be slow. After that, the files are loaded from the existing cache, which makes it faster. 

If a user launches the 3D Viewer for model file(s) that does not have TrimBIM ready, it will trigger the conversion process. This will lead to one-time delay for the user who needs to wait for conversion to finish. 

If a corrupted model is added to the project, the 3D Viewer will still try to load it. When reading the model fails, it appears as red in the Models Tab.

File Assimilation in the 3D Viewer

Converting the original model file to the TrimBIM format is a prerequisite for viewing models in the 3D Viewer.

The first time loading a model might be slow. After that, the files are loaded from the existing cache, which makes it faster.

If a user launches the 3D Viewer for model file(s) that does not have TrimBIM ready, it will trigger the conversion process. This will lead to one-time delay for the user who needs to wait for conversion to finish.

If a corrupted model is added to the project, the 3D Viewer will still try to load it. When reading the model fails, it appears as red in the Models Tab.

Below are the different statuses you may see in the Browser application and what they mean.

Status Description
Processing Viewer Data (In queue) This means the file is waiting in the queue and will get picked up once other files are done processing.
Processing Viewer Data (xx%) 

This means the file has been picked up and is currently being processed. The percentage shows the estimated amount of the progress from 0 to 100%.

Note: Select and unselect the file to refresh the % status of processing.
Processing: Generating Thumbnail 

This means the processing is complete and the thumbnail is now being generated.

Once the processing is complete the processing status is no longer visible and you will now see a thumbnail for the file.

There are a few reasons why your file is not displaying in the 2D or 3D Viewer. Some of those issues are caused by incompatible files or issues with the Trimble Connect server.

Cause Description
Processing Failed Files may have failed due to an internal server issue. If the file fails to pass Assimilation, please contact Trimble Connect Support.
Unsupported Format

You may have uploaded the file which isn't supported by Trimble Connect. 

For the full list of supported files - please see Supported File Formats 

Note: Some files require you to use an add-in/plug-in from the original authoring tool.

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