Hello Dylan,
are you planning to develop with Ironpython? Then the previous advice was and is not to use 2022 but to stay with 2019.
See post 8 here
And even in 2019 is Ironpython not officially supported anymore, Intellisense doesn't work very well.

Please see the following recent thread about the Template which includes a forum link to an old post with a video about starting with it and also a link to some basic macro training videos in my Dropbox.
June 2024 Installation for Macros | TBC Macros and Extensions (trimble.com)
Also, in order to understand the structure of a TBC project the attached macro is very helpful since you can search for serial numbers, object names or just hit the ok button. It comes from Gary's blogpost Sample TMLs (TBC version 5.90) (trimble.com) and still works with 2024.
It was included with old TBC versions together with "ListProjectObjects". Lately only the later one is included with the TBC installation but isn't as helpful.
Ronny Schneider
Original Message:
Sent: 08-06-2024 07:55
From: Dylan Paquette
Subject: TBC-Marcos/visual studios 2022
I recently started exploring macros within TBC, and am very interested in learning more about it. I have downloaded VS-2022 and copied the TbcMarcos.zip to the appropriate folder. the problem I keep running into is, once I open a new project within VS-2022 and chose the TbcMarcos template, I try to open the myfistmarco.xaml and it tells me that I do not have the correct .netframework v4.0 installed. I have searched for this particular package and can't seem to find the correct one. is there a work around for installing or adding assemblies and references to VS-2022 to correctly set up TBCMarcos within VS-2022? Any help would be appreciated.
Dylan Paquette