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what's the general purpose of the new Namespace Trimble.Rw.Core in 2024.00?

  • 1.  what's the general purpose of the new Namespace Trimble.Rw.Core in 2024.00?

    Posted 14 days ago

    Stumbled upon it by pure chance.

    Does the Rw imply that it comes from Realworks or has it something to do with Railway?

    It comes with some interesting Classes, which make it really simple to compute best fit planes. Might be useful for you, Fernando.

    A long time ago have been experimenting with the external MathNet library in order to compute the SVD, but you need to setup the matrices and linear solver the right way, rather complicate.

    Now you just need to throw a list with points onto FitPlaneTo3DPoints.

    # the Plane3D and Point3D struct are unfortunately different
    clr.AddReference ("Trimble.Rw.Core")
    from Trimble.Rw.Core.VectorMath.Geometry import Plane3D as RwPlane3D
    from Trimble.Rw.Core.VectorMath import Point3D as RwPoint3D
                    rwcloudpoints = []
                    for o in selectionSet:
                        if isinstance(o, self.pointcloudType):
                            cps = o.Integration.PointCloudDatabase.Integration.GetPoints(o.Integration.GetSelectedCloudId())
                            for p in cps:
                                rwcloudpoints.Add(RwPoint3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z)) # adding as Rw type Point3D
                    rwplane = RwPlane3D.FitPlaneTo3DPoints(rwcloudpoints)
                    # converting back to our usual Trimble.Vce.Geometry struct types
                    centerp = Point3D(rwplane.Point.X, rwplane.Point.Y, rwplane.Point.Z)
                    v = Vector3D(rwplane.NormalVector.X, rwplane.NormalVector.Y, rwplane.NormalVector.Z)

    Makes it simple to create a best fit planar surface into a bunch of pickup points, something I had been missing just recently.

                    slope = wv.Add(clr.GetClrType(SlopingLevelSurface))
                    slope.Name = Model3D.GetUniqueName("Testslope", None, wv) #make sure name is unique
                    slope.BoundarySerialNumber = l.SerialNumber
                    slope.ElevationSlopeType = ElevationSlopeTypes.PointAndDirection
                    slope.Point1 = centerp
                    slope.Point2 = centerp + v
                    slope.Azimuth = v.Azimuth
                    slope.LeftInclination = 0
                    slope.RightInclination = 0
                    slope.Slope = v.Horizon + math.pi/2

    Ronny Schneider

  • 2.  RE: what's the general purpose of the new Namespace Trimble.Rw.Core in 2024.00?

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi Ronny,

    thanks a lot for the info ! it sounds indeed promising, and I´ll give it a try asap.



    Fernando Calvo

  • 3.  RE: what's the general purpose of the new Namespace Trimble.Rw.Core in 2024.00?

    Posted 14 days ago

    You'll probably have to subsample the cloud points. It's probably not wise to throw more than 15000 points on the best fit method.

    For the sampling I had to change the cloud point retrieval a bit. Before I did add the points to the final list in a scan after scan way.

    Since the sampling should happen on all the selected points in one go, I now need to get the ID's of the selected portions first, and throw that list onto the sampling method, which returns another ID.

    (If you'd do the sampling in the scan by scan matter and compile the final list from those subsets, you'd end up with more and denser points than you'd want.)

    Relatively simple once you find out. If Trimble would just bother to document it somewhere. Came across the .Net documentation for AutoCad yesterday, what a dream compared to the brick of empty white pages we've got.

                    # compile a list with the ID's of the selected cloud portions
                    cloudselectionids = []
                    for o in selectionSet:
                        if isinstance(o, self.pointcloudType):
                    # throw that list of all the selected portions onto the sampling algorithm
                    # it returns another ID
                    cpssampleid = o.Integration.PointCloudDatabase.Integration.CreateSpatiallySampledCloud(cloudselectionids, 0.025, 15000)
                    # now get the points from that specific subcloud
                    cps2 = o.Integration.PointCloudDatabase.Integration.GetPoints(cpssampleid)
                    for p in cps2:
                        rwcloudpoints.Add(RwPoint3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z))

    Ronny Schneider

  • 4.  RE: what's the general purpose of the new Namespace Trimble.Rw.Core in 2024.00?

    Posted 13 days ago

    Rw = Railway. 

    Can't tell you too much about the library itself but was added as part of the Track export functionality added in TBC v2024.00.

    Package Description is the following:

    Trimble Railway library including BSplineTrack.


    Bryce Haire