Hi Giuseppe,
Welcome to TBC Macros development.
If you are struggling with the provided tutorials, I would suggest you check out this post by Ronny about the setup and getting going with Macros for TBC.
This is probably the best resource for getting started and we very much appreciate Ronny for putting this together.
Welcome aboard!
Bryce Haire
Original Message:
Sent: 06-18-2024 04:42
From: Giuseppe Barbieri
Subject: Which Window, VS, Timble Macros SDK and IronPython offer maximum compatibility
I'm having tons of issue following the tutorial (no TbcMacros, no WPF Window element, cant add Trimble.Vce.UI.Control.dll elements, etc etc)
So I'd like to replicate exactly a working environment, therefore I'd like to know which versions offer maximum compatibility/less problems of:
- Windows
- Visual Studio
- IronPython
- Timble Macros SDK
Giuseppe Barbieri