Trimble Business Center

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 trimble business center has suffered an unexpected error. Since the error was unexpected it can not be robustly handled

Nicolette Szymanski's profile image
Nicolette Szymanski posted 08-01-2024 07:05

trimble business center has suffered an unexpected error. Since the error was unexpected it can not be robustly handled

Got this when dragging .jxl file into new drawing.

Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider

Can't see your screen shot.

Which TBC version?

What job-file/Access version? Is the latest, or at least the minimum necessary, office converter installed? Software and utilities ( - section "office software updates"

Have you tried importing it into a different TBC version? I always encourage to keep previous versions, i.e. post 4 here Trimble Business Center 2024 truncating feature codes | Trimble Business Center

Does it contain a scan or other unusual data?

Are feature codes and a FXL file involved?

Has the project been saved already, or has it just been created from a template? Is the TBC project management folder located on a network drive? A new project is temporarily saved in that folder before saving it to its final location.

In any case, is the project located on a network drive?

Could you upload the JXL here?