Hello fellow TBC’ers and happy November, we’ve made it past the spookiest time of the year, Trimble Dimensions is coming up, and now we’re approaching the end of… What year is it? 2018? How did that happen! Consistency between deliverables —at least to perfectionists like myself— is of the...
Howdy folks! Happy Friday, and welcome to another TBC Tip of the Week! Did you know a large portion of the work in TBC drafting routines can be done once and repeated in every project using templates and styles? Additionally, project specific text elements can be auto-filled with smart...
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Happy Monday fellow TBC’ers! If you’re reading this on a different day of the week, happy (insert that day here)! This week’s Tip of the Week will be investigating “Ortho Snap Modes”. Ortho Snap Modes enable you to draw polylines horizontal and vertical with respect to grid coordinates, and...
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