Hi David, I couldn't reproduce the duplicate "Field" tabs (i only ever get one) based on the steps provided. What I can say is there may somewhat be a misunderstanding of the ribbon and the import/export ...
Wow I'd have been a long time puzzling this one out. I will try it! I'm actually going down the attribute rabbit hole, since I also have other bits of text in that string I want as attribute values. I ...
Probable solution, haven't tested in depth. Lock the "PointFeature" which is something else again and as cumbersome to get to as finding the PointManager, unless I miss an easier way. I always see the ...
Thanks for the update Andrew, as usual not included in the release notes. And since there wasn't much of interest in them in general, I've been avoiding the 2-hour over the phone update session with ...
Hey Ronny, We also found this issue last year. It has been fixed in the current version of TBC v2024.10. Cheers, ------------------------------ Andrew Clark ------------------------------